Can we really trust the OU Orthodox Union symbol anymore?

The OU is trying to divide us, making it seem like the only way to be a “good” Jew is to vote Republican.
The OU Orthodox Union claim to be nonpartisan, but their actions tell a different story.
Why are they pouring resources into mobilizing voters in Pennsylvania, a key swing state, especially when their agenda seems to be straight out of the Republican playbook.
The OU needs to decide who they stand with: ALL observant Jews, or just the ones who vote Republican?
Newsflash: Not every Orthodox Jew supports their political maneuvering. Can we really trust the OU symbol anymore?; it’s about the integrity of our community.
The OU is creating a dangerous division, and the future of their symbol, and their place in our community, depends on their answer.
Is the OU symbol losing its meaning?
They’re spending thousands of dollars to get-out-the-vote in Pennsylvania, a state that could decide the entire Presidential election. They say it’s about “Jewish values,” but this feels awfully REPUBLICAN political for an organization that claims to be nonpartisan.
If the OU wants their kosher symbol to mean something to all Jews, they need to start acting like it.
#OU #Kosher #JewishValues #WhoseKosherIsItAnyway