In a World Where Synagogues Have Less and Less Relevance. Rabbi.com Goes Virtual.
Thinking Outside Of The Synagogue
While Synagogues in the past had severed as an important role within the Jewish community, today many Jews are no longer finding meaning within Synagogues walls.
A learning environment with like minded people. Create your study group, pick your rabbi, interactive and virtually. All without borders.
Need a Rabbi for a Life Cycle event? Browse rabbis, cantors, mohels, evaluate and compare their profile pages . You can find the right rabbi for needs.
Rabbi anytime, anywhere. Its all about preferences. Contact a rabbi from the comfort of your living room.
Digital Rabbi – Judaism For All
Need a Rabbi? Offering online what one used to from a pulpit Rabbi: an inspiring sermon, a rabbi to perform life cycle events, online interactive study groups, saying kaddish.
Missed Yizkor? Say Kaddish.
Say Kaddish to honor your loved one.
Join a physical prayer service virtually and say Kaddish with a minyan, the kosher way.
Virtual Rabbi Services
Connect with a Rabbi anytime and everywhere internet access is available. More
Inspire Your Soul
Each Of Us Has a Spiritual Goal. Come to Rabbi.com and refresh your soul.
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‘Jewish Web of Life’ – Millions of Active Users
- All ordained rabbis are encouraged to contribute and share educational content, words of inspiration in an effort to expand the Jewish Horizons of others.
- Rabbi TALKS the place to find meaningful Jewish insights in short powerful 18 minutes or less on topics from science to business to global issues.
- Best Sermon, the effective sermon is one whose message and meaning last a life time (text, audio, video). Preaching is the art of taking the spoken word not only to teach but to inspire.
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