Hiring a Rabbi doesn’t need to be complicated or stressful
The perfect rabbi may be a search away.
Rabbi.com makes it easy to find clergy who specialize in exactly the type of rabbi you want, by providing platform and exchange for Jews to find a rabbi for their life cycle events. Just tell us a few details about your needs and we’ll match you to the best clergy for the job.
- Directory listing of Rabbi complete with customer reviews and ratings.
- Central location for families to post Rabbi ‘job requests’.
Rabbi.com does not employ, recommend or endorse any rabbinic provider or rabbinic seeker nor is it responsible for the conduct of any rabbinic provider or rabbinic seeker. Rabbi.com provides information and tools to help rabbi seekers and rabbi providers connect and make informed decisions. However, each individual is solely responsible for selecting an appropriate rabbinic provider or rabbinic seeker for themselves or their families and for complying with all applicable laws in connection with any employment relationship they establish.
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